We all know that life requires a target but how to determine the target will be consistent with our capabilities,we can’t determine the target of much of ourselves is not it?
SMART is a specifi c,measurable,achievable and reliable time framed
1. Specific :
determine us a specific target it is means that not only determine who wil be thecore of target we are after but more specific,example :in this year we will buy a new notebook we must plan the specific one from brand,model and type ,his brand is Acer Aspire model with core i7 processor ,not just the target the note book anyway,just like that
Measured not originhat is e the target something ,measure our ability whether could reach the target,do not make the target out of reach for example we have had target acer aspire core i7 in this year but only 250 thousand salary ,wheher they could reach the target?that called measurable
Achieved or not?after determining the specific and measurable the next factor is the achievement .is this target attainable?if we wanted acer aspire core i7 ,coud not be reached after this year ?if not ,there must be change before heading the fourth factor.
4 Reliable
Realistic?are we realistic about the target ? example above ,with salary monthly 250 thousand salary could buy that?if not ,define our target with salary that much we could buy core 2 duo ,it is more realistic
5.Time frame
Determine time of achievement ,if that is realistic target no is tine to determine the time .
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